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Choose one of the buttons below for some of our stall holders individual pages
Stall 4: Georgian and Victorian furniture, painted furniture and mirrors, silver, glass, pictures, jewellery and ceramics.
Stall 5: Glass, jewellery, vintage powder compacts
Stall 6: Georgian furniture, prints, silver, early silver plate
Stall 7: Vintage, painted and upcycled furniture, books, jewellery, ceramics and ephemera
Stall 8: Fine jewellery, pictures, general antiques
Stall 9: General antiques, including furniture, jewellery and pictures
Stall 10: Drinking glasses, rugs, Victorian furniture
Stall 12: Mid century and earlier glass, ceramics, pictures and prints
Stall 13: General antiques
Stall 14: Antique and decorative items, real and costume jewellery, vintage table linen
Stall 15: Ceramics and glass, vintage and painted furniture, period clothing and linen
Stall 16: Silver, glass, paintings, mirrors, small period furniture, general antiques.
Stall 17: Vintage kitchenalia, including books, tins, ephemera and much more
Stall 18: General antiques, including pictures, prints, small furniture and ceramics.
Stall 19: Buying old and vintage gives warmth to the home. Jewellery, ceramics, glass and pictures.
Stall 20: Clarice Cliff, cutlery, silver, silver plate, glassware, blue and white china, art deco china.
Stall 21: Reupholstered antique armchairs, painted furniture, mirrors, lamps, pictures and paintings, and many other things that catch my eye
Stall 22: Framed pictures, mirrors, ceramics, lighting [table lamps and chandeliers], jewellery and small furniture.
Stall 23: Silver, ceramics, prints, pictures and glassware.
Stall 24: Chandeliers, ceiling lighting, old and vintage table lamps. Gilded mirrors, oil paintings, furniture and bronzes. All wiring safety checked.
Stall 26: Early prints and pictures, original artworks including greetings cards and bookmarks.
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